LimitState:FIX - Repair The Meshes That Other Software Can't! | LimitState
FIX logo - stylized spanner on teal background

Repair The Meshes That Other Software Can't!

LimitState:FIX takes the powerful mesh processing technology of Polygonica, developed and proven over two decades, and embeds it in an easy-to-use tool that automatically heals your 3D mesh files, ready for print or other end use.

In testing, LimitState:FIX quickly identifies and fixes a wider array of mesh errors than alternative commercial and free repair tools.

Try it for yourself

Download and try LimitState:FIX for yourself today. All the healing and preparation tools are available to use, but saving and exporting is disabled until a license is purchased.


1 License


(Billed annually)

Code LS50-1

2 Licenses


(Billed annually)

Code LS50-2

5 Licenses


(Billed annually)

Code LS50-5

Sitewide Licenses


6 or more

For bespoke contracts, get in touch.

Licenses are node locked and can be transferred free of charge, once per year, by prior arrangement.

Free academic licensing is not available for LimitState:FIX.

Key Features


Auto Fix

At the heart of the software is the Auto fix function, which quickly and systematically fixes all the errors in a model according to the user-defined settings.

Close Solids

Select from a range of hole closing algorithms, including ones that prioritize planarity, smoothness, compatibility with existing features or model contours.

Orient Normals

LimitState:FIX will systematically identify and fix polygons in a mesh that are incorrectly oriented.

Fix Self-Intersections

LimitState:FIX checks if a objects are self-intersecting and fixes them if they are, while ensuring that the final geometry is as close as possible to the original.


Remove Noise Shells

Solids can often contain small shells as well as the intended geometry. LimitState:FIX identifies these shells and removes them from the model.

Make Manifold

Many applications that deal with mesh files require a manifold mesh in order to function correctly. LimitState:FIX will query whether a mesh is manifold and, if it isn’t, repair it.

3D Print Functions

Snap to the baseplate, automatically arrange and scale multiple objects, as well as validate the layout within the selected print platform. Perform z compensation before sending to print.

Export Slices

As well as exporting a healed file in mesh format, LimitState:FIX has the capability to save generate slice files (SLC or CLI) for use directly or in path planning.

Other Features


Frequently Asked Questions


Industry-Leading Mesh repair Technology

Utilizes the powerful Polygonica mesh processing tools to provide quick and robust healing of error-filled 3D mesh files. Close solids, fix face orientation, make manifold and more, all in a single click.


Increased Productivity

Accelerate build preparation using one simple software solution. Optimize your workflow from receipt or generation of a file, through to manufacture.

Print-Readiness Tools

Scaling, rotation and automatic nesting algorithms ensure solids are optimally located within the defined build volume, in advance of validation and export in production ready mesh or slice format.

I spent many hours trying to manually fix a model with other professional tools, but LimitState:FIX did the job in under a minute.
— Everth Hernandez Nava, Mercury Centre, UK

Case Studies

Auxetic lattice material fixing

Auxetic materials expand, rather than thin, when stretched. Here, LimitState:FIX was used to heal the geometry of an auxetic structure that was produced and manufactured by the Mercury Centre for an aerospace client. The original mesh contained almost 7 million faces and many hundreds of thousands of errors.

Complex chassis component

As seen in Wired magazine, this prototype chassis component for motor-sport application uses advanced design and manufacturing techniques. The original model contained almost 140,000 self-intersecting mesh faces, and 16,000 non-manifold edges. Impossible to heal manually, LimitState:FIX repaired the file in under one minute.

Fire extinguisher

A familiar 3D design, of a fire extinguisher. Issues are highlighted in red, and there are many in this model - 2,500 open edges and 6000 self-intersections. Although the model looks right, it wouldn’t print, and it would take a very long time to fix all the problems. LimitState:FIX automatically resolves all the issues with this model in seconds.